CNN on Roku

How to Stream CNN on Roku?

Streaming Channels

Are you someone who is planning to cut the cord and ditch the cable TV? Are you planning to get CNN on Roku? Well, you can add and activate CNN on streaming media players like Roku and enjoy streaming the latest news, breaking stories, original series, movies and much more. Besides, you can also watch live cover stories and get access to live Tv channels as well.

So, if you want to watch CNN app on Roku then you are certainly in the right place. Additionally, if you are someone who wants to cut the cord the streaming CNN through the Roku device is the best option for you. You do not need to have a cable TV subscription to stream content on CNN. Simply add the channel from the Roku channel store and then activate it.  

In this blog, we are going to cover the steps that you need to follow to stream the content on CNN through the Roku. However, if you are facing issues then it is always better to seek help from the Roku technicians for support.

Call Toll-Free Numbers For Support

US: +1 (805) 751-5010

Steps for Installing and  

If you are someone who enjoys watching the latest breaking news and updates then getting CNN on Roku is a great option for you. You need to add and activate the CNN channel, however, also know that you do need any additional charges for activating the CNN channel.

Here we are going to discuss the steps that you need to follow to add and activate CNN channel app on Roku. However, make sure you are connected to the wireless network before starting with the steps.

Add the CNN Channel App on Roku

  • Open the Roku channel store and search for the CNN app in news and weather category.
  • If you are unable to locate the app then you can manually also search for the app. By typing CNN in the search icon.
  • Then select the app from the available options.
  • Once the app opens, you can read the description and then click on the ‘add the channel’ option.
  • Now, you can go to the Roku device and check out the CNN channel app there.

Activate the CNN Channel App on Roku

  • Use your mobile phone or laptop to open the web browser. Then search for the CNN official website and open the activate page.
  • Here you need to enter the activation code. Make sure to enter the correct activation code that you see on the screen.
  • Then follow the instructions on the screen to activate the channel.
  • Once the CNN channel app is activated you will be able to stream your favorite content available on the app and keep yourself updated with the latest news.

How to Resolve CNN on Roku Activatq ion Problems?

Though the steps for activating a channel on Roku are quite simple many times people experience issues in the activation process. Sometimes you may also come across activation error codes while activating the channel app. But, do not worry as the problem can be resolved by following some of the steps.

  • Make sure you are entering the activation code correctly. Check the upper and lower case and space, as it can create an issue while activating.
  • The other thing that you need to check is the compatibility of the CNN app with the Roku device.
  • Also, check the speed of the internet connection. While installing and activating the app it is important to be connected to a high-speed internet otherwise it may create issues.
  • Check your Roku account by signing in. Make sure the validity of the account is not over before you proceed with the activation of CNN on Roku.
  • You can also try restarting the Roku player. However, in many cases, you need to reset to resolve the activation related problems.
  • Update the system if required. Usually, you need to perform this step if you are unable to find the CNN channel on the Roku. Go to the settings option and then open system update. Once you launch the channel you will get an activation code. If you are unable to receive an activation code then you can get help from the Roku support team.

Call Toll-Free Numbers For Support

US: +1 (805) 751-5010

Roku Com Support

Now that you know the steps that you can follow to add and activate CNN on Roku you can do it very easily. Make sure to follow the exact steps so that there is no issue during the activation process. However, if any problem arises then you can follow the troubleshooting solutions to fix the problem. However, if you are stuck up between the steps or are facing any trouble while following the steps then get help from the Roku technicians.

The technical support team for Roku helps and guides you in activating the CNN app properly so that you can enjoy watching the content. Besides, they will also assist you in understanding where you are going wrong.

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